17th-23rd December 2024
2024 OMWPA
Overseas Masters Winter Piano Academy
on the premises of the Yehudi Menuhin School, Surrey, United Kingdom​​
The Overseas Masters Winter Piano Academy (OMWPA) is a UK winter piano course for talented young Asians, and was established in December 2010 to take place every two years at the prestigious Yehudi Menuhin School in Surrey, England, one of the very top music schools in the world. OMWPA is dedicated to Edward Nyee Foh Chen.
OMWPA course participants receive individual piano lessons, group classes, lectures, evening recitals given by music professors attached professionally to the Royal College of Music, Royal Academy of Music, Royal Northern College of Music, Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, Guildhall School of Music & Drama, Trinity Laban, Chetham's School of Music, and the Yehudi Menuhin School. As well as receiving allocated lessons, each student can also attend lessons given to other students. At their graduation, each student performs at the Gala Concert on a full size handmade resident concert grand piano.
For past OMWPAs, The British Malaysian Society (BMS) has provided 6 Partial Scholarships to the youngest selected Malaysian Students, the Institute of Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS) has provided 2 Partial Scholarships to two selected Malaysian Students, the Corby Foundation Award has provided 1 Partial Scholarship to one selected Singaporean Student.
OMWPA gratefully receives extensive publicity and supportive sponsorship from the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music.
No photos and videos of OMWPA participants (Active and Passive) and staff as well as the name OMWPA / Overseas Masters Winter Piano Academy can be published indefinitely on a website unless a full approval has been given to the relevant website owner by OMWPA.